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Medical Group Insurance

Providing Group Health Insurance can help foster a positive work environment for you and your employees. This benefit can promote increased morale and work ethic, as well as build a stronger sense of security while fulfilling your role as a socially responsible company. Employee benefits such as group health and life insurance can improve productivity and help you to attract and retain quality employees. Attracting the right employees, reducing employee turnover and improving productivity can lead to increased profits! The benefits associated with provision of this cover to your employees significantly outweighs the cost.

Some of the key features and benefits of our group policies include:

  • Private, Semi-Private and General Ward
  • General Physican & Specialist Consultation
  • Diagnostic Expenses
  • Prescription Drugs
  • Aids or Aids Related conditions
  • Physiotherapy & Other health care Professionals
  • Preventative & Wellness Benefit
  • Vision
  • Dental care
  • Mental Health & Substance abuse
  • Organ Transplants
  • Alternative medicine (up to a limited number of treatments or a maximum amount)
  • Non-clinical specialist care
  • Paramedical care
  • Medical devices and artificial aids
  • Treatment in a long-term healthcare facility
  • Orthodontics
  • Childbirth and maternity care
  • Sterilization
  • Hospice
  • Home Help
  • Private duty Nusing Care
  • Air Ambulance 100% of R & C ” Medically Necessary”
  • Overseas Accommodation

Request a quote online, call or visit one of our intermediaries or NAGICO offices to learn more. Remember, you can save money when you bundle your insurance policies with NAGICO. Ask your NAGICO representative and start benefiting.

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