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Sponsorship & Donation Policy

Our sponsorship policy provides guidance on what we can and cannot support in terms of projects and the organizations involved. It is recommended that you read this policy before making an application for sponsorship.

Sponsorship is “the payment of a fee or payment in kind by a company in return for the rights to a public association with an activity, item, person or property for mutual commercial benefit”.

Sponsorship is a business agreement, not a gift. Sponsorship is not a donation with nothing in return, or a discount for normal goods or services.

We will:
  • Consider all sponsorship requests in an open and equal way and measure the request against our sponsorship evaluation criteria
  • Only consider sponsorship agreements with organizations whose products, services and values align with the strategic objectives and values of NAGICO
  • Consider the other organizations involved if there is to be more than one sponsor and in particular how other sponsors ‘fit’ with NAGICO
  • Require evidence of how sponsorship income is used

Sponsorship evaluation criteria

Sponsorship proposals are evaluated against five general criteria. These criteria have been developed to ensure that NAGICO establishes sponsorship relationships that will mutually benefit it and the receiving organization.

Proposals/ requests are evaluated for:
  1. Tangible benefits associated with the partnership
  2. Opportunity to create long-term value
  3. Ability to reach targeted audiences and build relationships
  4. Positive exposure for the NAGICO brand
  5. Potential for long-term, sustainable partnership or relationship

Ineligible Activities

We regret that, as per our policy, we are unable to support the following types of activities:

  • Any sponsorship in association with tobacco or alcohol
  • Any sponsorship in association with Auto Racing, Fighting Sports (Boxing, Mixed Martial Arts etc) and Daredevil Sports
  • Sponsoring of political candidates, organizations or pressure groups
  • Sponsoring of events that conflict with the legal laws that govern our land
  • Sponsoring of events in areas/territories where NAGICO does not operate
  • Sponsoring of any organization which is in legal or financial conflict with NAGICO
  • Requests of personal nature, that stands to benefit an individual person or family

We would require any sponsored project to:

  • Display the NAGICO brand on any legal publicity – this includes brochures, advertising, website, exhibition materials, signage, information packs, etc – but the publication must be approved by NAGICO before publication
  • Mention NAGICO in all press releases and media activity
  • Make available materials or reports produced as part of the project to NAGICO
  • Showcase our products and services. We would expect exhibition space at any event we sponsor
  • To provide a certain number of free tickets for NAGICO’s management & staff to attend


  • Proposals are reviewed on a regular basis. The requesting organization should hear from NAGICO within two to three weeks of receipt of the inquiry. If there is a need for additional information, NAGICO will contact the organization directly.
  • Applicants must allow 3 to 6 weeks between application and the sponsored event to provide time for negotiating agreements and to enable NAGICO to appropriately plan its participation.

Sponsorship application checklist

Things we need to know before making a decision:

  • The title of the event/project for which you are requesting sponsorship
  • The name of your organization
  • Your name and contact details. Ensure that a working phone number and e-mail address is included to help us reach you
  • Tell us when the sponsored event/project will take place/appear
  • A summary of the event/project you’d like us to sponsor
  • Explain the aims and objectives of the project and what market segments (your target markets) it will reach. If the initiative has been run previously or has a track record/evidence of success, tell us about it
  • Outline how you will reach the particular audience through your project/event
  • Tell us about the checks you have in place to ensure a high quality sponsored event/project etc.
  • Do you have achievable timelines and a realistic budget to deliver the project?
  • Is the project supported by high quality marketing and PR to ensure that NAGICO’s support is properly acknowledged?
  • The benefits to NAGICO. Make sure you highlight the value for money benefits of NAGICO getting involved
  • What return is likely on our investment in terms of public relations and brand awareness?
  • Your Marketing & Media Plan
  • Provide details of other partners/sponsors that may be involved
  • Detail how you will evaluate the success of the event/project

Once you have prepared a written proposal you can e-mail it to:  marketing@nagico.com