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Directors Liability

Directors Liability

Regardless of the nature of your business, your Directors and Officers carry significant risk due to their responsibilities. They can be held personally liable for a number of matters including, but not limited to, errors in judgment, breach of legal duty or failure to disclose conflicts of interest. The resulting claims and legal expenses are often very costly.

In the financial service industry the legislation continues to be strengthened to deter certain acts and promote compliance. As part of this process significant financial penalties are being defined, not only for businesses but also for individuals, particularly Directors and Officers.

NAGICO’s Directors & Officers Liability insurance allows you to attract and retain top talent by protecting your Directors and Officers. Legislative changes aimed at improving compliance, as mentioned above, have increased the need for these safeguards.

Our Directors & Officers Liability policies are tailored to address our clients’ specific needs, however, all policies include cover for:

  • Claims for damages
  • Defense Costs

You can save money when you bundle your insurance policies with NAGICO.  Request a quote online, or call or visit one of our intermediaries or NAGICO offices to benefit now.

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