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Group Life Policies

Group insurance is a one-year renewable group life insurance product for employees, members of an association or any organization.

At NAGICO we offer the below group options:

  • Group Term Life Insurance
  • Group Funeral Insurance
  • Group Loss of Income (income replacement policy)

Coverage Term offered

  • Flat Amount
  • Multiple of Annual Salary (Example: 2x or 3x annual salary)

Eligible Clients

  • Age 18-60 years
  • Above Age 60 – lower sums may be insured for the same group rate.

Request a quote online, call or visit one of our intermediaries or NAGICO offices to learn more. Remember, you can save money when you bundle your insurance policies with NAGICO.  Ask your NAGICO representative and start benefiting.

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Entity Pension Insurance Contract (EPIC)

EPIC is a collection of tax-approved deferred annuities to allow employees and employers to save for retirement. (Group pension)

  1. All employers with employees under age 70 are eligible to purchase this contract.
  2. Normal Retirement Date – 60 Years (55 to 70 optional) as mandated by local laws.
  3. Participants’ Capital Funds increase with Regular Premiums less charges for administration and a Waiver of Premium Rider plus interest. Voluntary Premiums by the Participant are also permitted and are not subject to any charges.
  4. The modal premium may be monthly only.

Request a quote online, call or visit one of our intermediaries or NAGICO offices to learn more. Remember, you can save money when you bundle your insurance policies with NAGICO.  Ask your NAGICO representative and start benefiting.

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Individual Deferred Annuity Contract

Freedom 62 is a tax-approved deferred annuity contract which allows employees to save for retirement. (Individual Pension)

  1. All employees under age 70 are eligible to purchase this contract.
  2. Normal Retirement Date – 60 Years (55 to 70 optional) as mandated by local laws.
  3. Capital Fund increases with Regular Premiums less charges for administration and a Waiver of Premium Rider plus interest. Voluntary Premiums are also permitted and are not subject to any charges.
  4. The modal premium may be monthly only.

Request a quote online, call or visit one of our intermediaries or NAGICO offices to learn more. Remember, you can save money when you bundle your insurance policies with NAGICO.  Ask your NAGICO representative and start benefiting.

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Workplace safety is one of an Employer’s responsibilities to its employees. In some countries, and in many industries, this is regulated by law. Despite having preventative controls in place, accidents do happen. Protect your Company and Employees properly with our Workman’s Compensation policy.

Some of the benefits associated with this policy include:

  • Payment of lost wages/replacement income
  • Payment of medical expenses for the injured party
  • Compensation for any permanent injuries
  • Benefit payment to survivors of workers who are killed on the job

Request a quote online, or call or visit one of our intermediaries or NAGICO offices to benefit now. Remember, you can save money when you bundle your insurance policies with NAGICO.

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Marine Cargo

Whether you transport goods regularly or need insurance to protect delivery of a single, high value item, NAGICO’s Marine Cargo policy provides the necessary protection. Whether shipment occurs via sea, air or land, your monetary investment is secure.

Coverage includes, but is not limited to:

  • Retail goods
  • Vehicles
  • Machinery
  • Jewelry
  • Works of Art

You can save money when you bundle your insurance policies with NAGICO. Request a quote online, or call or visit one of our intermediaries or NAGICO offices to benefit now.

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Businesses that do not have Employer’s Liability insurance are exposed to significant financial and legal risk. Employer’s Liability insurance provides businesses with financial protection in the event of an employee’s at-work-accident. Additionally, this coverage provides security for employees and demonstrates that the company has taken measures to protect them and provide financial remedies in the event of an accident.

Our policy includes, but is not limited to, coverage for:

  • Lost wages/replacement income
  • Medical expenses for injuries incurred while on duty
  • Injury caused by proven employer negligence
  • Compensation for permanent injuries
  • Benefits to survivors of workers who are killed on the job
  • Expenses for legal fees incurred in defense of a claim or lawsuit

Request a quote online, or call or visit one of our intermediaries or NAGICO offices to benefit now. Remember, you can save money when you bundle your insurance policies with NAGICO.

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Every business is exposed to risks. Despite the best business practices and every effort on your part, it is impossible to eliminate 100% of your exposure. NAGICO’s Commercial All Risk Policy provides coverage for the cost of repairing or rebuilding your business in the event of loss.

Policy benefits include, but are not limited to, the following perils:

  • Burst pipes (escape of water)
  • Cost for repairing or rebuilding the building if destroyed
  • Replacing the stock or equipment damaged or destroyed
  • Falling trees
  • Fire
  • Flooding
  • Catastrophe
  • Theft

You can save money when you bundle your insurance policies with NAGICO.  Request a quote online, or call or visit one of our intermediaries or NAGICO offices to benefit now.

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Have you given thought to the amount of revenue and profits you can lose due to down time following a hurricane or fire impacting your business? Are you prepared to cover the financial shortfall on your own? During a period of rebuilding and repair, it isn’t business as usual. Will your company survive?

NAGICO’s Business Interruption insurance helps your business recover and safeguards your results.

Some of the benefits of our policy includes coverage for:

  • Loss of income/revenue
  • Ability to pay wages
  • Ability to pay continuing expenses such as mortgage, advertising and taxes

You can save money when you bundle your insurance policies with NAGICO.  Request a quote online, or call or visit one of our intermediaries or NAGICO offices to benefit now.

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If your business involves interacting with customers or the public, Public Liability insurance provides you with the protection you need. It safeguards your assets against claims for property damage or bodily injury suffered by third parties while on your premises or as a result of your business activities.

If someone is injured on your premises, or their property is damaged while you’re providing a service, they may take legal action against you to recover their losses. Public Liability insurance can pay for the cost of these claims or any associated legal expenses and control the negative impact to your business.

Public Liability insurance is included in our industry-specific business insurance packages because we understand the importance of protecting your livelihood.

Request a quote online, or call or visit one of our intermediaries or NAGICO offices to learn more. Remember, you can save money when you bundle your insurance policies with NAGICO.  Ask your NAGICO representative and start benefiting.

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Marine Liability

Living in the Caribbean, ocean travel is a way of life. Whether for business or pleasure, you need protection for any mishaps that may occur during the use of your Marine vessel. Our Marine Liability policy protects you against claims for bodily injury or property damage caused to third parties.

NAGICO has an impressive geographical reach and spread, spanning 21 Territories. With this network we are always close to our customers and well-resourced to respond quickly should a loss occur.

Don’t wait! Request a quote online, or call or visit one of our intermediaries or NAGICO offices to learn more. And, remember, you can save money when you bundle your insurance policies with NAGICO. Contact us and start benefiting now.

Airport Ground Handler’s Liability

Airport operations are complex and the liability exposures numerous. Comprehensive coverage for each aspect of your operation is a must. Protect yourself against liability to third parties with our Airport Ground Handler’s Liability policy.

We provide liability coverage while agents and subcontractors are servicing an aircraft when it is on the ground. Some of the main exposures you face relate to cabin servicing, catering, ramp servicing, passenger servicing and field operation servicing.

Contact us today and let our representatives design the ideal risk solution for you. Remember, you can save money when you bundle your insurance policies with NAGICO.  Request a quote online, or call or visit one of our intermediaries or NAGICO offices to benefit now.

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Aircraft Hull & Liability

Whether you fly for recreation or as a central component of your business, you must safeguard against the many risks associated with air travel and aircraft ownership that remain despite the highest of safety measures you apply. Whether you wish to safeguard against physical loss or damage to your aircraft, or protect against bodily injury or property damage to third parties, this coverage is for you.

Some of the benefits of our policy includes coverage for:

  • Liability costs associated with injury to passengers
  • Damage to the aircraft while in hangar
  • Repairs and reinstatement costs

Contact us today and let our representatives design the ideal risk solution for you. Remember, you can save money when you bundle your insurance policies with NAGICO. Request a quote online, or call or visit one of our intermediaries or NAGICO offices to benefit now.

Marine Hull

Whether insurance cover is needed for a private yacht, ferry or charter boat, NAGICO can provide you with tailor-made policies to protect you from marine hull and machinery risks. From single vessels to fleets, we are at your service.

Our qualified and experienced team, powerful network and sophisticated reinsurance program enables us to effectively manage marine, equipment, engines and machinery risks including, but not limited to:

  • Damage to someone else’s property if you are at fault
  • Death or bodily injury
  • Loss of or damage to your vessel by insured perils
  • Personal effects

NAGICO has an impressive geographical reach and spread spanning 21 Territories. With this network, we are always close to the customer and well-resourced to respond quickly should a loss occur.

You can save money when you bundle your insurance policies with NAGICO. Request a quote online, or call or visit one of our intermediaries or NAGICO offices to benefit now.

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Unfortunately, crime prevention must figure into each business plan. Despite your best security controls, thieves will do anything to gain access to your business; and, sometimes they succeed. NAGICO’s Burglary Insurance provides coverage so that your business doesn’t miss a beat.

Some of the benefits of this policy include coverage for:

  • Contents
  • Stock and goods
  • Securities kept in a lock safe
  • Damage to your premises

You can save money when you bundle your insurance policies with NAGICO. Request a quote online, or call or visit one of our intermediaries or NAGICO offices to benefit now.

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While running your own business can be rewarding, challenges are unavoidable. There is always the possibility of an error being made. For this reason, it is important to protect yourself and your business from the consequences of mistakes, oversights and professional negligence.

Most professionals in the fields of financial services, design, law, accounting and medicine are legally required to maintain professional indemnity cover. While minimum limits of liability are prescribed by law, our NAGICO representatives would be happy to help you determine an appropriate level of coverage to meet your individual needs.

Some of the benefits of our policy include coverage for:

  • Negligent acts during the performance of duties
  • Errors or omissions during the performance of duties
  • Legal costs associated with claims response and defense

You can save money when you bundle your insurance policies with NAGICO. Request a quote online, or call or visit one of our intermediaries or NAGICO offices to benefit now.

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NAGICO’s Money All Risks Insurance protects your business against loss of money when in transit and while on premises. You work hard for your money, so let us help you protect it.

Some of the benefits of this policy include cover for:

  • Money in transit to or from the bank.
  • Money while on premises during business hours.
  • Money while on premises after hours.

You can save money when you bundle your insurance policies with NAGICO. Request a quote online, or call or visit one of our intermediaries or NAGICO offices to benefit now.

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Medical Group Insurance

Providing Group Health Insurance can help foster a positive work environment for you and your employees. This benefit can promote increased morale and work ethic, as well as build a stronger sense of security while fulfilling your role as a socially responsible company. Employee benefits such as group health and life insurance can improve productivity and help you to attract and retain quality employees. Attracting the right employees, reducing employee turnover and improving productivity can lead to increased profits! The benefits associated with provision of this cover to your employees significantly outweighs the cost.

Some of the key features and benefits of our group policies include:

  • Private, Semi-Private and General Ward
  • General Physican & Specialist Consultation
  • Diagnostic Expenses
  • Prescription Drugs
  • Aids or Aids Related conditions
  • Physiotherapy & Other health care Professionals
  • Preventative & Wellness Benefit
  • Vision
  • Dental care
  • Mental Health & Substance abuse
  • Organ Transplants
  • Alternative medicine (up to a limited number of treatments or a maximum amount)
  • Non-clinical specialist care
  • Paramedical care
  • Medical devices and artificial aids
  • Treatment in a long-term healthcare facility
  • Orthodontics
  • Childbirth and maternity care
  • Sterilization
  • Hospice
  • Home Help
  • Private duty Nusing Care
  • Air Ambulance 100% of R & C ” Medically Necessary”
  • Overseas Accommodation

Request a quote online, call or visit one of our intermediaries or NAGICO offices to learn more. Remember, you can save money when you bundle your insurance policies with NAGICO. Ask your NAGICO representative and start benefiting.

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Personal Accident Plan – Groups

Personal Accident Insurance is an affordable form of accidental death, disability and medical expense insurance. It is designed for sporting teams, schools, employees, association and individuals.

In the event of an injury by accident, the medical expenses are covered up to a specified maximum likewise death and disability.

Some of the benefits associated with this policy include:

  • Employers can request benefit options of flat sums or multiples of salary.
  • Employers can include baggage expense for their employees.
  • Associations and school plans are specifically tailored to satisfy their needs.

Request a quote online, call or visit one of our intermediaries or NAGICO offices to learn more. Remember, you can save money when you bundle your insurance policies with NAGICO.  Ask your NAGICO representative and start benefiting.

Critical illness

Can you guarantee that your employees will always remain in good health and not be diagnosed with a critical illness? Unfortunately, even if they implement and consistently adhere to a proper diet and exercise regime there are no guarantees. Should such an event occur, would they have the necessary finance available to ensure they can provide themselves with the necessary infrastructure to live comfortably?

Our NAGICARE Critical Illness plan is an excellent tool to use to foster a positive work environment for you and your employees. This benefit can promote increased morale and work ethic, as well as build a stronger sense of security.

The plan is a health insurance product that offers a lump payment in the event the insured is diagnosed with and survives a named critical illness.

Some of the key features and benefits associated with this policy include:

  • Minimum participation age of 20-65 years
  • Maximum age of coverage age 70
  • Policy coverage vary from as low as $25k to $250k per employee
  • Group maximum of $250K or on request

Request a quote online, call or visit one of our intermediaries or NAGICO offices to learn more. Remember, you can save money when you bundle your insurance policies with NAGICO.  Ask your NAGICO representative and start benefiting.

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Small Group Plan

Why should only the medium-sized and large organisations benefit from group medical insurance? We have created a big health insurance solution for small businesses!

Some of the key features and benefits associated with this small group policy include:

  • Small businesses consisting of 4 to 15 persons
  • Participation age 18-60 years
  • Range of Coverage Options available: $250k, $300k & $500k, inclusive of dental and vision

Request a quote online, call or visit one of our intermediaries or NAGICO offices to learn more. Remember, you can save money when you bundle your insurance policies with NAGICO. Ask your NAGICO representative and start benefiting.

Our Fire & Extended Perils policy helps protect your greatest business assets from damage or loss. Whether you require coverage for buildings, contents or equipment, we can help.

In addition to fire, you’ll receive protection from:

  • Earthquakes and hurricanes
  • Flood and overflow of the sea
  • Malicious damage
  • Explosion
  • Vehicular impact

Our NAGICO representatives can assist you in determining the coverage that best suits your needs, including add-ons for Burglary and Business Interruption.

Remember, you can save money when you bundle your insurance policies with NAGICO. Request a quote online, or call or visit one of our intermediaries or NAGICO offices to benefit now.

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Human resources are usually a company’s greatest asset. We rely on our employees to assist in executing our strategies and achieving our objectives. However, even with due diligence, integrity screening, and well established checks and balances, not all employees will consistently operate honestly and in the best interests of the company.

It is important to safeguard your business from negative impacts to its reputation and profitability. With NAGICO’s Fidelity Guarantee insurance, you can protect your company from employee dishonesty resulting in:

  • Fraud
  • Theft
  • Loss of money
  • Loss of Property

You can save money when you bundle your insurance policies with NAGICO. Request a quote online, or call or visit one of our intermediaries or NAGICO offices to benefit now.

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Regardless of the nature of your business, your Directors and Officers carry significant risk due to their responsibilities. They can be held personally liable for a number of matters including, but not limited to, errors in judgment, breach of legal duty or failure to disclose conflicts of interest. The resulting claims and legal expenses are often very costly.

In the financial service industry the legislation continues to be strengthened to deter certain acts and promote compliance. As part of this process significant financial penalties are being defined, not only for businesses but also for individuals, particularly Directors and Officers.

NAGICO’s Directors & Officers Liability insurance allows you to attract and retain top talent by protecting your Directors and Officers. Legislative changes aimed at improving compliance, as mentioned above, have increased the need for these safeguards.

Our Directors & Officers Liability policies are tailored to address our clients’ specific needs, however, all policies include cover for:

  • Claims for damages
  • Defense Costs

You can save money when you bundle your insurance policies with NAGICO.  Request a quote online, or call or visit one of our intermediaries or NAGICO offices to benefit now.

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Planning for success is a critical part of any contractor’s business. NAGICO’s Contractor’s All Risk insurance provides excellent coverage for your property while under construction.

Some of the benefits of this policy include coverage for:

  • Property damage during construction
  • Bodily injury to others during construction
  • Damage to material
  • Clearance of debris
  • Machines and tools
  • Delay in start-up
  • Transit and off-site storage
  • Contractors’ plant and equipment
  • Professional fees

You can save money when you bundle your insurance policies with NAGICO.  Request a quote online, or call or visit one of our intermediaries or NAGICO offices to benefit now.

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Operational efficiency is critical for generating profits. Downtime of machinery can bring your business to a grinding halt and affect productivity and profits. Safeguard your business from loss with NAGICO’s Comprehensive Machinery & Plant insurance.

Some of the benefits of this policy include coverage for:

  • Damage to equipment
  • Destruction to equipment

You can save money when you bundle your insurance policies with NAGICO. Request a quote online, or call or visit one of our intermediaries or NAGICO offices to benefit now.

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Company vehicles are important assets for any business. NAGICO’s Commercial Vehicle Comprehensive cover helps ensure continuity of business operations after damage to or loss of a company vehicle due to an accident. The Third Party Liability option protects your business from bodily injury and property damage claims from others. Not sure which option to select? Don’t stress! Our professional risk advisors will guide you.

Policy benefits include coverage for:

  • Collision damage
  • Malicious acts
  • Windshield damage
  • Liability cover

You can save money when you bundle your insurance policies with NAGICO. Request a quote online, or call or visit one of our intermediaries or NAGICO offices to benefit now.

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